David Arthur ئاپەکان

LP Catalan 1.2.1
David Arthur
Liberation Philology Catalan helps you improveyour knowledge of the Catalan language through practice-drivenmemorisation.Whenever you have your phone and a free moment, it offers acontinuous multiple-choice test on Catalan vocabulary and verbconjugation. Each answer you give is immediately confirmed orcorrected, and your knowledge is reinforced by repetition.Interspersed among these are cumulative levels reviewing what hasbeen learned earlier.• Vocabulary: 200 levels, each testing the translation of10 words between Catalan and English. Interspersed among these arecumulative levels reviewing what has been learned earlier (giving atotal of 226 levels).• Verbs: Tests your ability to parse and to conjugate regularand irregular Catalan verbs.A further module allows you to review the vocabulary word-listand verb paradigms.
LP Icelandic 1.3.2
David Arthur
Liberation Philology Icelandic helps youimprove your knowledge of the Icelandic language throughpractice-driven memorisation.Whenever you have your phone and a free moment, it offers acontinuous multiple-choice test on Icelandic vocabulary andgrammar. Each answer you give is immediately confirmed orcorrected, and your knowledge is reinforced by repetition.• Vocabulary: 249 levels, each testing the translation of10 words between Icelandic and English. Interspersed among theseare cumulative levels reviewing what has been learned earlier(giving a total of 280 levels).• Nouns: Tests your ability to parse and to decline all types ofIcelandic nouns.• Pronouns: Tests your ability to decline Icelandic pronouns,masculine, feminine, singular, and plural.• Verbs: Tests your ability to parse and to conjugate all typesof Icelandic verbs.A further module allows you to review the vocabulary word-listand the paradigms for nouns, verbs, and pronouns.
LP Old Norse 1.4.1
David Arthur
Old Norse can be studied as the language ofthe Eddas and the Icelandic sagas; the ancestor of the Scandinaviantongues; or, because of the Viking presence in the British Isles, amajor influence on the development of English. But while many ofits words are recognisable, the connections are often vague ormisleading, and it follows a more complicated grammar than most ofits modern relatives. The answer is ultimately memorisation, whichis where Liberation Philology Old Norse can help.Whenever you have a moment to spare, your phone can call up arolling multiple-choice test that helps you practise Old Norsevocabulary and grammar. Each answer you give is immediatelyconfirmed or corrected, and your knowledge is reinforced by as muchrepetition as you find useful.• Vocabulary: 335 levels, each testing your ability to translateten words between English and Old Norse. Interspersed among theseare cumulative levels reviewing what has been learned earlier (fora total of 377 levels).• Nouns: Tests your ability to parse and to decline all types ofOld Norse nouns.• Pronouns: Tests the declension of Old Norse pronouns.• Verbs: Tests your ability to parse and to conjugate weak,strong, and irregular Old Norse verbs.An additional module allows you to review the word-list for thevocabulary test, and the paradigms for nouns, verbs, andpronouns.
LP Gothic 1.2.4
David Arthur
Learn Gothic grammar and vocabulary on the move
Liberation Philology Dutch 1.0.1
David Arthur
Liberation Philology Dutch helps you improveyour knowledge of the Dutch language through practice-drivenmemorisation.Wherever you have your phone and a free moment, it offers acontinuous multiple-choice test on Dutch vocabulary and theconjugation of Dutch verbs. Each answer you give is immediatelyconfirmed or corrected, and your knowledge is reinforced byrepetition.• Vocabulary: 150 levels, each testing the meanings of tenDutch words. Interspersed among these are cumulative levelsreviewing what has been learned earlier (giving a total of 170levels).• Verbs: Tests your ability to parse and to conjugate a widerange of representative Dutch verbs.A further module allows you to review the vocabulary word-listand verb paradigms.
LP Italian 1.3
David Arthur
Liberation Philology Italian helps you improveyour knowledge of the Italian language through practice-drivenmemorisation.Whenever you have your phone and a free moment, it offers acontinuous multiple-choice test on Italian vocabulary and verbconjugation. Each answer you give is immediately confirmed orcorrected, and your knowledge is reinforced by repetition.• Vocabulary: 500 levels, each testing the translation of10 words between Italian and English. Interspersed among these arecumulative levels reviewing what has been learned earlier (giving atotal of 563 levels).• Verbs: Tests your ability to parse and to conjugate regularand irregular Italian verbs.A further module allows you to review the vocabulary word-listand verb paradigms.
LP Portuguese 1.2
David Arthur
Liberation Philology Portuguese helps youimprove your knowledge of Portuguese through practice-drivenmemorisation.Whenever you have your phone and a free moment, it offers acontinuous multiple-choice test on Portuguese vocabulary and verbconjugation. Each answer you give is immediately confirmed orcorrected, and your knowledge is reinforced by repetition.• Vocabulary: 200 levels, each testing the translation of10 words between Portuguese and English. Interspersed among theseare cumulative levels reviewing what has been learned earlier(giving a total of 225 levels).• Verbs: Tests your ability to parse and to conjugate regularand irregular Portuguese verbs.A further module allows you to review the vocabulary word-listand verb paradigms.
LP Old English 1.3
David Arthur
The Old English language is at oncerecognisable and unfamiliar: many words resemble ones that are usedtoday, but their meanings are not always the same, and they cantake many more forms than in the modern language.Liberation Philology Old English helps you master thesecomplexities by practice. Wherever you have your phone handy, it isready to drill you on Old English vocabulary and grammar with acontinuous multiple-choice test. Your answers are immediatelyconfirmed or corrected, and reinforced through repetition.• Vocabulary: 150 levels, each testing the translation of tenwords between modern and Old English. A further 330 levels coverthe vocabulary of Beowulf in approximate sequence. Interspersedamong these are cumulative levels reviewing what has been learnedearlier. Interspersed among these are cumulative levels reviewingwhat has been learned earlier (giving a total of 542 levels).• Nouns: Tests your ability to parse and decline all classes ofOld English nouns.• Verbs: Tests your ability to parse and conjugate a full rangeof weak, strong, and irregular verbs in Old English.A further module allows you to review the vocabulary word-listand the noun and verb paradigms.
LP Russian 1.3
David Arthur
Liberation Philology Russian helps you improveyour knowledge of the Russian language through practice-drivenmemorisation.Whenever you have your phone and a free moment, it offers acontinuous multiple-choice test on Russian vocabulary, declensionof nouns, and conjugation of verbs. Each answer you give isimmediately confirmed or corrected, and your knowledge isreinforced by repetition.• Vocabulary: 223 levels, each testing the meanings of tenRussian words. Interspersed among these are cumulative levelsreviewing what has been learned earlier (giving a total of 252levels).• Nouns: Tests your ability to parse and to decline all types ofRussian nouns.• Verbs: Tests your ability to parse and to conjugate all typesof Russian verbs.Russian words are displayed in the Cyrillic alphabet oroptionally transliterated. A further module allows you to reviewthe vocabulary word-list and the noun and verb paradigms.
LP Hungarian 1.0
David Arthur
Liberation Philology Hungarian helps youimprove your knowledge of the Hungarian language throughpractice-driven memorisation.Wherever you have your phone and a free moment, it offers acontinuous multiple-choice test on Hungarian vocabulary and theconjugation of Hungarian verbs. Each answer you give is immediatelyconfirmed or corrected, and your knowledge is reinforced byrepetition.• Vocabulary: 140 levels, each testing the meanings of tenHungarian words. Interspersed among these are cumulative levelsreviewing what has been learned earlier (giving a total of 158levels).• Verbs: Tests your ability to parse and to conjugate a widerange of representative Hungarian verbs.A further module allows you to review the vocabulary word-listand verb paradigms.
LP Turkish 1.0
David Arthur
Liberation Philology Turkish helps you improveyour knowledge of the Turkish language through practice-drivenmemorisation.Wherever you have your phone and a free moment, it offers acontinuous multiple-choice test on Turkish vocabulary, thedeclension of nouns, and the conjugation of verbs. Each answer yougive is immediately confirmed or corrected, and your knowledge isreinforced by repetition.The program is divided into four main modules:• Vocabulary: 140 levels, each testing the meanings of tenTurkish words. Interspersed among these are cumulative levelsreviewing what has been learned earlier (giving a total of 159levels).• Nouns: Tests your ability to parse and to decline a wide rangeof Turkish nouns.• Possessive Nouns: Tests your ability to parse and decline thepossessive forms of a range of Turkish nouns.• Verbs: Tests your ability to parse and to conjugate a range ofrepresentative Turkish verbs.A further Reference module allows you to review the vocabularyword-list and the noun/verb paradigms.
LP Swedish 1.3.4
David Arthur
Learn Swedish vocabulary on the move
LP Spanish 1.2.3
David Arthur
Practise Spanish vocabulary & grammar on the move
Liberation Philology Welsh 1.0.3
David Arthur
Practise Welsh vocabulary & grammar on the go
LP Ancient Greek 2.1.4
David Arthur
Practise Ancient Greek vocabulary and grammar on the go.
LP Latin 1.7.3
David Arthur
Practise Latin grammar and vocabulary whenever you have a freemoment
LP Old Occitan 1.2.1
David Arthur
Practise Old Occitan grammar & vocabulary on the move
LP Esperanto 1.2.2
David Arthur
Learn Esperanto vocabulary on the move
LP French 1.2.1
David Arthur
Practise French vocabulary and grammar on the move
LP Sanskrit 1.3.1
David Arthur
Practise Sanskrit vocabulary & grammar on the move (Devanagari& transliterated)
LP Norwegian 1.3.1
David Arthur
Learn Norwegian vocabulary on the move
LP Irish 1.2.2
David Arthur
Practise Irish grammar & vocabulary on the move
LP Finnish
David Arthur
Practise Finnish vocabulary and grammar on the move
LP Friulian 1.0.1
David Arthur
Practise Friulian vocabulary & grammar on the go
LP Japanese 1.0.2
David Arthur
Learn the Japanese writing system on the go
LP Danish 1.3.1
David Arthur
Learn Danish vocabulary on the move
LP Sardinian 1.0.1
David Arthur
Practise Sardinian vocabulary & grammar on the go
LP Galician 1.0.1
David Arthur
Liberation Philology Galician helps you improve your knowledgeofthe Galician language of north-west Spain throughpractice-drivenmemorisation. Wherever you have your phone and afree moment, itoffers a continuous multiple-choice test on Galicianvocabulary andthe conjugation of Galician verbs. Each answer yougive isimmediately confirmed or corrected, and your knowledgeisreinforced by repetition. • Vocabulary: 160 levels, eachtestingthe meanings of ten Galician words. Interspersed among thesearecumulative levels reviewing what has been learned earlier(giving atotal of 181 levels). • Verbs: Tests your ability to parseand toconjugate a range of representative Galician verbs. AfurtherReference module allows you to review the vocabularyword-list andverb paradigms.
LP Slovene 1.0.2
David Arthur
Practise Slovene vocabulary & grammar on the move
Liberation Philology Czech 1.0.1
David Arthur
Practise Czech vocabulary & grammar on the go